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Suicide, homicide, trauma, and crime scene cleanup are all very dangerous to cleanup without having the proper training, personal protective equipment 

and chemicals to properly disinfect the contaminated area and restore back to its original condition. Bloodborne pathogens can be very infectious and deadly. at Decon Northwest we are up to date with the latest OSHA regulations for protecting our staff and clients. In most all cases the insurance company will cover the cost when the incident has occurred in your home or automobile. our goal is to make your difficult and traumatic time 100% free by paying up to $1,000 of your deductible.


Hoarding can be very dangerous to your health, mental state, and your income. Hoarding dangers can include:

mold growth, bug infestation, structural damage, and tripping hazards. Hoarding has been known to overwhelm the mind, Cause stress, anxiety and drain energy levels. At Decon Northwest we take pride in taking things slow in these types of situations and involving the property owner with every step.

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Not all cases of home/apartment cleanouts are a biohazard situation but are a burden left on the property owner or apartment manager. 

Decon northwest offers very affordable cleanout services from small apartments to large homes.

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Most auto insurance policies cover the cost of biohazard cleanup from small cars to city buses. When there is blood from 

a crime, suicide or accident we are there to help in properly and safely cleaning and disinfecting the vehicle.

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Even with the cleanup and restoration of such incidences 

as mold removal, smoke damage and pet odor there is often an unbearable odor left behind. We identify the cause of the odor, determine the conditions of which it exist and remove it without a trace. We use a range of advanced deodorization tools to eliminate the odors and contaminants that cause them.

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